CopyRight Policy

ATTENTION! There isn’t any content on our website that is copyrighted. No files that breach copyright are hosted by us. The GNU General Public Licence applies to all of the products displayed on the website.

Under the General Public Licence (GPL), the WordPress plugins and themes available on the Genericpack website may be freely distributed at will.

It is appreciated if you cite the source of any files you share that you downloaded from the Genericpack website so that people may access more information or updated versions.

Notification of Copyright Violations

Please let us know if you find any content that you think infringes copyright laws on the Genericpack website. Send us an email that mostly contains the following information.

An official representative of the owner of the allegedly infringing exclusive right must sign the document physically or electronically. Identification of the allegedly infringed copyrighted work or, in the event that more than one online site contains a copyrighted work, a representative list of all such works at that site.
Identification of the allegedly unlawful or subject to unlawful activity material that must be removed or denied access, as well as information that is reasonably necessary to enable the service provider to find the material.

An address, phone number, and, if available, an email address at which the complaining party may be contacted are examples of information that is reasonably sufficient to allow the service provider to contact the complaining party.
a declaration that the complaining party has a good faith belief that the use of the material in question is illegal according to the copyright holder, their agent, or the law.

A statement that the details in the notification are true and, under pain of fraud, that the complaining party has the right to speak on behalf of the holder of the allegedly broken exclusive right.
The notification should be sent to, which is our email address.

We might substitute your DMCA notice for the deleted content on our site.

Note: Anyone who willfully misrepresents that content or behaviour is infringing may be held liable for damages under Section 512(f) of the DMCA. Additionally, “a copyright owner must assess whether the material makes fair use of the copyright” in order to proceed under the DMCA with “a good faith judgement that use of the material in the way complained of is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law. 572 F. Supp. 2d 1150, 1155 (2008) Lenz v. Universal

Genericpack reserves the right to examine the purportedly illegal content and decide on its own if it is actually illegal.

Please be aware that the creator of the allegedly infringing content will get the information provided in this legal notice. It is also possible to send a copy of this legal notice to a third party for publication and/or annotation for noncommercial research and educational purposes (while keeping your personal information out of it).

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